This particular “Opinion Page” comes as a result of a question that was presented through an online interactive forum.  Although the question itself struck me as very curious, it was much more the contents of the general discussion that followed that prompted me to create this page.


Very often through the internet, as we participate in various discussion boards and other forums, we find others that are of like mind, which can turn into friendships.  We enter into sometimes rather lengthy and in-depth discussions about issues and subjects that impact our lives as either a personal passion or our lives directly as in day to day events.


The subject of this particular Opinion Page comes as a result of a combination of my own personal passions.  Ever since I can remember, although drawn more to the spirituality, I have been fascinated with human nature and cultures, even considering the possibility of pursuing a degree in Anthropology.  However, after speaking with a good friend of mine who was working in that field at the time, I made the decision to pursue something that would be more financially affluent.


During one of my evenings scanning through the various questions on Yedda, I found a question:  “Were the Pilgrims right to make and break the Indians into following our God instead of their Gods?”


Being of Indian decent myself and still searching records, I found myself interested in this ‘possible’ discussion.  The blood lines of my Great Grandmother were very mixed and as many people within this region, there are connection of various depths to Indian heritage.


While many in this particular area claim heritage to the Iroquois, there was in fact no specific tribe or nation of peoples called Iroquois Indians.  The name Iroquois name came about with the creation and development of The Iroquois League” which was erroneously called “The Iroquois Confederacy’.  It has been said, but not completely founded that the name Iroquois name was actually given to them by the French.  The original league was represented by five nations known as, the Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida and the Cayuga.  Later when the Tuscarora Nation joined the league, they became known officially as “The Six Nations.”


The league is still in tact and active today, with nearly 150,000 documented members.  Spread out over the United States, there are still about one third of them living in Canada.


Returning to the Yedda question, I found many of the responses to be interesting yet came across some that I really had to think about.  Mostly because I had never heard the information stated in the posts.  As is my nature I began to research this information and for the next week or so became quite absorbed in the revelations.


I contacted a friend of mine currently living in Houston, Texas concerning this subject.  Below are the two emails she received in response to her inquiry.


The information eluded too is all Bogus.  There are explanations for all the so called clues, showing the Cherokee to be JEWS.


I am a Cherokee Historian as well as Cherokee by Blood.


Call me.




Lucian Lamat Sneed, PhD


Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee


The contents of the second email received…


Thanks for sending us the info. on the various sites regarding Native Americans being of Jewish descent. The Americas have been visited by many people prior to Columbus. The Chinese visited the west coast of America, North and South.


The Vikings came around 900 A.D. They called America Vineland.


There is much evidence that the Irish came as Celts around the same time as the Vikings.

National geographic uncovered a Cave in the Midwest about 40 years ago that had been sealed up. Upon opening it, they found the remains of about 100 people, most all had RED HAIR. ( Viking, or Celts connection) dated around 1000 AD. Knights Templar, in search of the Holy Grail also came around 1200 AD, inscriptions on stones have been found, marking their visit. The coins described in one of the postings could have been lost by the Knight Templar's, in as much as they served in the Holy Land for many years. They were from Europe.


The so called DNA evidence is totally false. Most of the Native Americans, not all, came across the Bearing Straits from Asia. Some did however, come from Europe as Celts, Vikings etc. The so called History mentioned by the various writers, especially ( Di) is totally fabricated. The Native Americans knew nothing about the Bible until the early missionaries came as early as the 1500's by the Spanish Priests, then early in the 1600's by the French and English.


The fact that ALL Native Americans believed in life after death has confused many people. Yes, they buried grave goods to be used in the after life, but so did the Egyptians. Native Americans all believed in one Supreme GOD or Creator. They did not worship idols and such. They knew GOD to be a spirit that exists in all places and in all things.


Most of this Trash History concerning a Jewish connection was started in part by a Jew Professor in South Georgia. He is the so called expert on DNA, which in reality he is very ignorant on the subject. The American Indians had no less than 300 Languages. Each Tribe were different in many ways and beliefs. Look at the Inca's, Aztec, and the Mayan's. They performed sacrifices to the one God. But that is not Jewish in any way.


The fact that the various groups who came to America, all told their own stories about creation and Bible traditions have confused many historians. Much of the Old belief systems have been lost forever, because the Native Americans when questioned 100 or more years later, told of the stories that their ancestors had been told by the early missionaries or contacts with Europeans, combining their own old beliefs with the new stories told to them by the missionaries.  But it is not true that all embraced Christianity. Many NEVER did. The Native Americans did NOT HAVE A 7 th day of rest??? To worship God. Everyday was considered as a gift from the Creator; as such prayer was a daily thing to them.


Hope this clears up some things for you. Call me if you wish, I Lecture on all these subjects on a regular basis. We have to be careful of all this NEW AGE garbage that is being told by people who have no real knowledge of Native American History.


Lucian Lamar Sneed, PhD

Cherokee and Native American Historian




When I sent the information to my friend, I also included the contents of several posts made by this individual on Yedda.  These posts were forwarded to Dr. Sneed, the second email is in response to the information contained in those posts.


While it is something that I do out of personal interest, my research into the cultures, the religions beliefs and the spirituality of the Native American Indian has been renewed.


Below is one link that I have found particularly interesting that relate directly to this particular issue.






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